
Designed and produced outfits for Shona Kitchen and Aly Ogasian’s NASA funded artwork Merritt Island Spoils Project (MISP) January 2020


“MISP advocates for a rethinking and refocusing; rather than seeking to conquer the natural world through technology, we artistically and poetically suggest ways of reconnecting with the landscape at hand and understanding technology as existing within - rather than despite of - the natural environment. Specifically, the project posits that a series of artificial islands (known as “Spoils”) within KSC/MINWR represent a largely uncharted, unmapped territory worthy of exploration or even future habitation. By engaging the local community surrounding MINWR and KSC, MISP invites the public to consider a location where nature is already spoiled but thriving and artificial land is already naturalized but constantly changing.”

Suits made from linen for optimal ventilation/coverage with a hidden mesh vent in the back.

 Photography by Jessina Leonard and Han Seok You